Download and set up

Download ready-to-use GetWim source code

Download GetWim | 1.0.0

Download GetWim starter template

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Download A New Hope template Watch live demo

Set up

If you do not have a WimTV user, you can register here: create a WimTV account

After downloading the zip you can unzip all files in the folder where you want to create your Web TV. It can be the root of the site or a specific folder. You can start from one of the starter templates or using existing HTML pages, by importing .js and .css files of the framework in the < head > of the page

<link rel="stylesheet" href="getWim/css/getWim.css">
<script src="getWim/getWim.js"></script>

and initializing the GetWim AngularJS app using the following script:

    angular.module('getWimTest', ['getWim']).run(['getWimConfig', function (getWimConfig) {
        getWimConfig.customUser = 'demouser';

IMPORTANT - in the script you have to set:

  • your WimTV username in getWimConfig.customUser. In this example the username is "demouser", replace it with your username.
  • the name of your app. In this case it is "getWimTest". In the initial html tag, you must add the name of the app as in this example: < html ng-app="getWimTest" >

This is an html starter page with all parameters set correctly

    <!doctype html>
    <html ng-app="getWimTest">
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="getWim/css/getWim.css">
            <script src="getwim/getWim.js"></script>
                angular.module('getWimTest', ['getWim']).run(['getWimConfig', function(getWimConfig) {
                    getWimConfig.customUser = 'demouser';
            <h1>Hello, GetWim!</h1>

Using the GetWim components you can easily create your layout. An example of WimTV Framework layout is the WimTV website.