Video player


This is the video player: the core of the entire platform.

How to use

The video player is built by 4 main objects:

  • the video-container is the container of all other elements: it has the reference of the video: video-id and event-type
    • the event-type could be vod, live or cast.
    • the video-id is the video reference for vod and cast, the channel reference for the live
    • the auto-play enables the automatic play of the video once the page is loaded. can be just true (if you don't want videos to start automatically, simply do not put it)
  • the video-title is the simple title of the video, so you're able to insert it wherever you want
  • the video-description is the simple description of the video, so you're able to insert it wherever you want
  • the video-player is the real player of the video: where the video will be effectively played


<video-container video-id="d3aee0d4-a2d5-4881-a300-44d85355f593" event-type="vod">